Friday, November 5, 2010

Another bonne idée

Does anyone need another reason—besides the pain des amis or escargot or chausson aux pommes— to hurry to Du Pain et des Idées before it closes for the weekend? Well, if you do…

Christophe Vasseur has started setting up a mini greenmarket every Friday, featuring quality fruits and veggies…

…and a butcher to boot.

(Next week, expect oysters.)

Sometimes Paris is just so... cute!


  1. OMG!!!!! you just made my year!!! we so needed this in the hood!! oddly we have so few fresh produce options. (though Naturalia has just arrived) I am around the corner, yet had no idea. thank you!!!

  2. This mec got the idee when he went to Brooklyn I'll bet...

  3. Looks so nice! It's such a wonderful way of life over there; it would take a complete change of culture in the states to get people to buy fresh veges on the street...I wish.

  4. oooh la la Paris is très ADORABLE!!! Oooooh how I NEED another trip to the CITY!!!!
    J'adore your blog... it has inspiration pour moi!!!
